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About The Collier County Veterans Council

The Veterans Council is the umbrella organization of the 13 Veterans groups that exist in Collier County.

The Council is comprised of representatives from each group and meets the 3rd Wednesday of each month at 7:00 PM in the City of Naples Chambers, 750 8th Street S, in Old Naples.

Meetings are open to all veterans, whether a member of a group or not. For more information, call (239) 774-8448.

Purpose of the Veterans Council
  • To uphold the Constitution of the United States and the State of Florida; to respect the flag of the United States of America;; honor both past and present members of the Armed Forces
  • To advance the interest of and work for the betterment of veterans.
  • To cooperate with the United States Veterans Administration and other public and private agencies devoted to the cause of improving and advancing the conditions, health and welfare of veterans and their families.
  • To provide a transportation system to transport veterans, with appointments, to VA hospitals and clinics and any other facilities that are appropriate for the benefit of veterans and their dependents.
Powers of the Veterans Council
  • The Council shall have all the common law and statutory powers of a Florida corporation not-for-profit which are consistant with these Articles as they, form time to time, may be amended and including but not limited to:
  • Fix, levy and collect dues;
  • Pay all expenses in connection with all office and other expenses incident to the conduct of the business of the corporation;
  • Ensure this organization, at all times, will avoid any conflict with other veterans' organizations;
  • Direct all activities to be prohibited from partisan politics;
  • Encourage the organization to act as a forum for any program or issue that would be of interest to the welfare of veterans and their families.


The voting members of this corporation shall be veterans' organizations active in Collier County and duly registered with the State of Florida.

Voting rights are reserved to memberships in good standing. Organization will be represented by a designated delegate and
alternate(s) to act in the absence of the delegate.

Associate members may include Auxiliaries of Organizational Members, philanthropic and fraternal organizations who share the goals of the Council. Associatemembership shall not convey voting rights and shall not entail any requirement for payment of dues.

Executive Board Members


Contact Information


James H. Elson
680 8th Avenue South
Naples, FL 34102

Phone: (239) 434-2652
Cell: (239) 860-0009

Vice President: Ted Sawicki
5318 Catts Avenue
Naples, FL 34113

Phone: (239) 775-8959
Treasurer: Donald Peacock
420 Putter Point Court
Naples, FL 34103

Phone: (239) 434-7356
Secretary: David Smith
5460 32nd Avenue South West
Naples, FL 34116

Phone: (239) 353-2487
Sergeant-of-Arms: Gilbert (Gil) Erlichman
290 Robin Hood Circle, #102
Naples, FL 34110

Phone: (239) 348-8434
Lou Kanes
900 Diamond Circle, #2
Naples, FL 34110

Phone: (239) 596-4969
Executive Board Members (Non-Voting)


Contact Information

Collier County Veterans Service Officer:

Peter Kraley
3301 Tamiami Trail East,
Building H, Room 212
Naples, FL 34112

Phone: (239) 774-8448
Fax: (239) 774-1667

Veterans Career Counselor: David Davis
212 Airport Road
Naples, FL 34104

Phone: (239) 434-5006 ext. 161
Fax: (239) 434-5028
Transportation Coordinator: Joanne Dalbey
3301 Tamiami Trail East,
Building H, Room 212
Naples, FL 34112

Phone: (239) 732-1008
Fax: (239) 774-1667
Contact Us
Phone: (239) 774-8448
Collier County Veterans Council
  3301 Tamiami Trail East, Bldg H
  Naples, Florida 34102

  Copyright 2009 - Veterans Council of Collier County, All rights reserved